The Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics International NEWS - October 2010 - Number 22 |
AHFE Newsletters Previous Issues 2007-2010: August 2010June 2010 April 2010 February 2010 December 2009 October 2009 August 2009 June 2009 April 2009 February 2009 December 2008 October 2008 August 2008 June 2008 April 2008 February 2008 December 2007 October 2007 August 2007 June 2007 April 2007 |
If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to contribute, please contact the editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem . The opinions expressed in this newsletter are the sole responsibility of its authors and do not represent any institution or company. Subscribe / Unsubscribe |
ATTENTION! ATTENTION! PROCEEDINGS of AHFEI 2010 IS NOW AVAILABLE You may also order a hard copy. 15% discount offered to all AHFEI NEWS subscribers. |
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BP Gulf Oil Spill and its Accident Investigations Report In a press release dated September 19, 2010, BP confirmed that “Well kill operations on the MC252 well in the Gulf of Mexico is completed”. Before that on September 8th, 2010 BP published its internal investigation of this accident. BP made several documents available at its website that includes a “Full Investigation Report”, slide presentation and summary report along with several appendices. Despite all the detailed charts, figures and illustrations in these reports and the investigation into a wide variety of different factors, surprisingly there was no mention in any way of human factors issues and the terms “human factors”, "work organization” or “human performance” were never even mentioned. Interestingly the report uses terms such as “failure” (89 instances) but never terms such as "error" (once to describe measurement error range) or “mistake” (0 instance) which is quite astonishing for an accident investigation report. "How could you call this great work accident investigation ... and not address human performance issues and organizational issues and decision-making issues?" Meshkati asked. It is sad to observe how human factors issues are so easily neglected in such a major accident that might have lasting effects on our environment. Still a long way to go… A.M. References Experts question BP's take on Gulf oil spill
Brief Book Review: Ergonomics in Developing Regions: Needs and Applications Although Human Factors and Ergonomics as a discipline is universal, its application depends on the economic and social contexts of each geographical region and the living conditions of the population. With globalization and the transfer of most manufacturing plants that require high intensity physical work to industrially developing countries (IDCs), the ability of ergonomic professionals to promote and adapt ergonomic solutions to the level of work conditions in each geographical region is a big challenge. Patricia A. Scott, a pioneer of ergonomics promotion and implementation in the IDCs, collected and selected a variety of ergonomics implementations across the 5 continents in countries such as: Chili, Brazil, South Africa, India and Iran, to just name a few, along with short articles of the ergonomics discipline in several IDCs (Russia, India, Latin America, Iran…). The book includes many short sections providing reflection, insight about the particularities of ergonomics in the IDCs, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Industrially developing countries (Part 1, section 2), Technology Transfer (part III section 9) and Distinctive Ergonomics Requirement of Developing regions(part II- section 11). This book is highly recommended to all professionals who would like to better understand global ergonomics issues, challenges and limitations. It is also an excellent reading for all human factors students in developing countries. A.M. Ergonomics in Developing Regions: Needs and Applications, 2009, 453 Pages, ISBN: 13:978-1-4200-791, |
AHFE International 2012 will be held in San Francisco The AHFEI 2012 will be held on July 21-25, 2012 at Hilton San Francisco Union Square San Francisco, California, USA |
Specialized Journal and Newsletters “The Health and Safety Report,” The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), September 2010. “Human Factor sand Ergonomics Society Bulletin,” August 2010, Volume 53, Number 8. 2010. “DoD Ergonomics Working Group NEWS,” Issue 109, October 2010. NIOSH eNewsVolume 8 Number 5 September 2010.
"The Claim: Replacing Your Desk Chair With an Exercise Ball can Improve Your Posture," , September 20, 2010. Why Hearing Half of a Cell-Phone Conversation Drives You Nuts,", September 22, 2010. " Busy bodies, happy minds," Los Angeles Times, September 20, 2010. "Electrodes translate brain waves into words," Los Angeles Times, September 7, 2010. "Building a healthier and greener New York," BBC, 22 September 2010. "Touching own injury 'cuts pain'," BBC, 23 September 2010. "The secret to … agile working," The Guardian, Saturday 18 September 2010. " Gulf oil disaster: BP admits missing warning signs hours before blast," #, Wednesday 8 September 2010 "Stress increases 'risk of death five-fold," Telegraph, 09 Sep 2010. |
Upcoming Events and Conferences 2010 CALL FOR PARTICIPANTION: Deadline 30 November 2010, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries (HFEM&SI) journal-- Special Issue on “Aging Ergonomics”. CALL FOR PARTICIPANTION: October 10-12: 1st European FEES Conference on Ergonomics, Bruges, Belgium. CALL FOR PARTICIPANTION: October 11-14, 2010: Rules Fest 2010, the International Conference on Reasoning Technologies, announces exciting keynote presentation, San Jose, California USA. CALL FOR PARTICIPANTION: October 11-14, 2010: International Conference on Control Rooms(COCO2010), Paris, France. CALL FOR PAPER: Nov 3 -5, 2101, HCI-Aero 2010, Cape Canaveral, FL, US. CALL FOR PAPER: 7-10 November, 2010: The 9 Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics ( PPCOE 2010) Kaohsiung, Taiwan CALL FOR PARTICIPANTION: 8-10 February 201, 1HSCB Focus 2011: Integrating Social Science Theory & Analytic Methods for Operational Use , Chantilly, Virginia, USA. Information CALL FOR PAPER: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, Special Issue on eHealth and Services Computing in Healthcare,
Contribute to Applied Ergonomics International NEWS We welcome your contribution to the Applied Ergonomics International NEWS. Please send us interesting news, short articles, interesting websites, etc. We will consider your comments and contributions for upcoming issues. Please send your contribution to the editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem (
About Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics International NEWS The Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics International NEWS is a newsletter about Ergonomics and Human Factors topics, The Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics International 2010 conference deadlines and activities, the Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics International 2010 Exhibition, news in the area of Ergonomics and Human Factors, and more. If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to contribute, please contact the editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem The opinions that are expressed in this Newsletter are the sole responsibility of its authors and do not represent any institution or company.